God's Voice - Part 5

Scripture Reading - Genesis 3:8-10 KJV

8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

Today’s lesson will continue to build upon knowing the “Voice of God”. In our previous lesson we set a foundation of Jesus, Thee Good Shepherd, being the “Voice of God” or we could say literally the “Voice of the Lord”. We concluded that if you want to know the “Voice of God” you must be familiar with the “Word of God” specifically recorded in the Holy Bible. In another lesson we learned how the Prophet Samuel learned the “Voice of God” with some guidance from his elder. Thus, many elders are set in the Body of Christ to help younger disciples discern the “Voice of The Lord”. We also spoke about Jesus speaking the “Voice of God” publically and whatever we hear publically through the minister of God has direct impact on our personal lives. We also discussed the “Voice of Lord” coming through a God Ordained/Anointed Minister. Many people look at the man or woman of God as a mere person instead of listening to what they are saying as an inspired minister of God. If we are smart we will examine everything we hear in the light of God’s Word and His Great Love for us. In this lesson we will focus on the “Voice of the Lord” being God. Notice in verse 8 that Adam & Eve (they both) heard the “Voice of the Lord God” walking which means there is movement with the “voice of the Lord”. Sometimes we think that the “voice of the Lord” is distant because it is easy for us to think about God on His Great Throne in Heaven giving instructions to His children on earth. However this verse and John 14:23 speak about God coming to man, specifically His Children, to converse with them. Yes, the “voice of the Lord” has movement with projection and that movement brings us to our second point which is fundamental but yet deserves attention. The “voice of the Lord God” comes directly from the Presence of God. We (ihlcc) state this boldly so that Believers don’t think that God is far off. We don’t want Believers to ever be afraid or lonely because the scripture assuredly declares in Hebrews 13:5b-6 KJV , “. . . for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” God’s Presence is always with us whether we see Him or not. Yes, God’s Presence is with us for a reason and that reason is primarily to help us, protect us, guide us, develop us, comfort us, counsel us, so on and so forth. The point we are trying to make is “God’s Voice” will come directly from His Presence and we must remind the church of the Lord Jesus Christ that other people have the Presence of God operating in their life too. We say this because we already established the fact that the “Voice of Lord God” has movement so those walking and moving around you could be the “Voice of Lord God” if they are speaking words of Life and not death. Likewise, we learned that “God’s Voice” comes from His Presence so don’t think for one minute that God’s Presence is subject to our natural feeling because that would be false. We are openly stating that there are some times when you can sense God’s Presence but if you work a secular job or engage in long conversations about carnal things there will be many times that you will not sense the Presence of God. This is normal for Body of Christ the key is don’t think because you can’t feel/sense God’s Presence that God isn’t there. Not feeling God doesn’t mean that God is not there among you because indeed He is always with you, even until the end of the age. We know there are some believers wondering, “How would you hear the “Voice of the Lord” walking?” That can be answered in two ways. First, we can hear footsteps when someone is walking near us. Yes, whether in the house or out in the yard the more firmly and weighty the steps the easier it is to hear them. God Presence is weighty and powerful so we suspect no one would have a problem recognizing when God is in their proximity and walking toward them. More over when the Presence of God is walking to you get your note pad out because He (The Lord God) probably has something specific to say to you. Secondly, you can hear the Voice of the Lord walking if God is talking. Yes, even if God isn’t talking to you specifically you can still know His Voice. Take for example today’s society where people are always talking on their cell phones. It is easy to discern the voice of someone close to you and know they are walking because they are doing two things at one time. This is true with God because the assumption many people make is that God is quiet. However, we at ihlcc believe God to be all powerful and all power. God being all powerful means He can do anything and He can create anything. God can fix anything through the Word of His Power (Hebrews 1:3) let the church say, “Amen!” Now, slightly different is God being all Power which means God is full and overflowing with energy and this energy is creating noise, not silence. Have you ever heard a jet engine? Is there noise when the engine is running? Yes. Have you ever heard the voice of a subway train? Yes, each subway train has noise associated with it when in operation. Have you ever listened to a Powerful speaker? Is he/she soft and shy or loud and bold? The point is God is always on and the Lord God is always producing so it only makes sense that God Himself probably has a unique sound that accompanies His Presence when we see God face to face in that day when we are in Heaven. We have heard that even Heaven itself is full of life, energy, radiance, joy and noise because dead things are quiet whereas all life has sound. It is very possible that God was singing. God is full of Joy and Happiness so humming, singing, laughing and praising could be all normal expressions of God Himself. So please realize that if you desire to hear more of the “Voice of the Lord God” focus on spending time in His Presence throughout your day. Start seeking God in the garden which represents His Word as the source of all life and the fruitful field of fellowship with God Himself. In the cool of the day simply points out coming to God after your natural work (or engagement with other people) is finished so God can have your undivided attention. If you will start there and be consistent on your visits to God’s Garden the “Voice of the Lord God” will come walking unto you to give you the information or the substance you desire because God is faithful all the time. Remember, if you ask God, then God will answer and if you seek God you will assuredly find Him because God’s Door opens widely to all those who knock according to Matthew 7:7. Amen!